We offer a simple, accurate, and up-to-date database of all zip codes/postal codes, neighborhoods (areas) & street names around the globe. We have built up this database from authoritative sources that ensure we provide you with up-to-date and relevant data. We are the leader in zip code/postal code data.
We have the ability to provide postal information as granular as streets in specific regions in various database formats including SQL, we can also provide you with the data in Excel format. We offer a postcode database of the world containing the postcodes of 195 counties, over 4400 cities, and millions of suburbs/areas. We can assist you and your business to look up, validate, cleanse or customize addresses worldwide using our large datasets that are scalable to any project or task. Satisfy your address quality requirements at any level and ensure your project is a success.
PostalCodeZip delivers database information for 195 countries including zip codes, statistical units, reference codes, time zones, administrative sectors, for specific countries, in a specific city, neighborhoods, and suburbs, including information as granular as postal codes and streets. Our data is available in all languages to make your data referencing a simple process.
Discover a pin point location (GPS location of longitude & latitude to a readable address or place name) using our in-depth database.
PostalCodeZip provides a distance calculator between specific locations by road distance or a straight line. This is a great tool when tracking vehicles or plotting delivery routes.
Reduce costs by eliminating the need to manually fix address inaccuracies. We have a comprehensive database to do just that. With a few reference points, our database can be used to correct spelling errors. The data can also be used to validate addresses using postal codes and street names..
Data integration
PostalCodeZip’s data is easily exported in a uniform format. Exported as both CSV and GIS files, data is easily imported into any software management system or platform. If you are unsure whether or not PostalCodeZip’s data can be imported into your software management system easily, contact our support team and we will be more than happy to assist you with your specific query.
SQ Lite
SQL Server
With different tiers offered, depending on the amount of data you or your business plans to use, PostalCodeZip offers three extensive packages. Our Street, Location or Regional database package’s were all created with our customer’s needs in mind. Check out our packages and pricing here.
We provide a common dataset structure for all countries, containing all localities, ZIP/postal codes, administrative divisions, statistical units, reference codes, time zones, elevations, and for selected countries, neighborhoods, suburbs, and streets. All our data is geo-referenced and available in various languages, transliterated English, and in non-accented ASCII versions.
Use our database of geocoded data to expand your business into new areas and plan how this will be done using the data we provide.
Validate address information entered into forums to mitigate incorrect data being entered. With our database, you can regulate and authorize data entered on a forum. The database also allows you to complete missing information.
Construct valuable reports, useful statistics, and detailed maps for you and your business. The data we provide can be useful when looking at marketing in different areas and building reports accordingly. If you already have marketing data our database can also be used to analyze the data per area or country.